Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hypocritical Christians Vote

I have been confused about the direction and beliefs of the Christian voters in this country. As a fundamental Christian myself, I understand the obligations of following that belief, yet I see more and more Christians separating themselves from the belief when voting.

In this election, there are two primary concerns when it comes to religion. That would be abortion and gay marriage, both of which are supported by the Democratic nominee Obama. The Bible explicitly forbids both these actions, in the old and new testaments. Yet, I have seen many Christians, blindly following the Democratic party regardless of the conflict in interest.

90% of the black vote is automatically going to Barack because of his race, nothing else. This faction believes that Obama will give them the world. As one girl put it to a McCain supporter: "you going to have to work you white ass off and support me while I'm sitting home." Yet, many of these people proclaim they are Christian. Many of the white supporters have threatened and yelled at anyone not supporting Obama. But this article in not about the various hateful responses from the supporters of the candidates, I mentioned it only in context of the hypocritical voters.

I find it appalling that these so called Christians can somehow do what the Supreme Court illegally did when they placed into the 1st Amendment the concept of "separation of Church and state." Somehow the citizens of this great nation has succumbed to atheists demands to denounce religion and especially Judo-Christianity. It is disheartening that the people, who have more today than our founding fathers ever dreamed of, and yet they are ignorant. Ignorant to our history, our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Without knowledge and understanding you are no better than sheep, following the charm master while he sings a song that ignites your passions.

Romans and Revaluation are among some of the chapters that describe Christians demise and willingness to follow false prophets. It warns of times when Christians will be hunted and illegal. Yet, Christians are blindly following a person of Muslim teachings, Muslim support, a person who doesn't want to wear the American flag because it might offend someone. A person who spent twenty years learning the black christian movement, supported to Farrican and Wright.

How can you support the Bible and Gods word when you support the anti-Christian? How can you figure that because you vote for a person that you do not condone his/her actions. This concept is no less wrong as hiring someone to kill for you, and not believe you are guilty of murder. To follow this concept of voting is hypocritical to your religion. It is a lie to God and all that you believe. You should know that, but as I said before, our country has succumbed to ignorance and expectations.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Brainwashed for Obama

Boy have I been delinquent. For any readers I may have, I am sorry for my lapse, too many excuses to go into.

So what's happening in our political world? Has everyone gone over the rainbow with Dorthy? I have never witnessed such an obvious and deliberate attack against our American principles as I am witnessing with Obama and his campaign. But rather than look at the socialist agenda he is presenting to the American citizen, I would like to explore the reason why so many citizens blindly follow his dance. They can't all be that ignorant, can they?

I guess we can officially say the Premier Khrushchev of the old USSR has been good to his word when he told us way back during President Kennedy's tenor, that Russia would take over America without firing a shot. And now we have Obama. How did this happen?

Lets start with the Soviet financial support of our anti-war protesters of the the Viet Nam era. Yes, that group of cowardly college students who thought nothing of disrupting America, burning class room and bombing buildings. These minions who have dedicated their lives to the concept that Marx was right. No matter how many times socialism has failed, these blind followers will not take the evidence as being real, "they can do better". Now these dedicated communist, in order to beat the draft used one of the few deferments available at the time, studying to become a teacher. Not that they wanted to teach, but they were afraid to go to war. The "Great Society" they are not and their parents should have been ashamed to have spawned them.

Here is where things start to get interesting. Even before our college students decided to follow the dark side of humanity, our professors were already spouting the benefits of a socialist society, that Utopian dream of every one being equal. Those years were flooded by songs produce to imply the "Age of Aquarius" and thousands of anti-war songs telling our youth to run and protest. Everyone who was alive during that sour time in our history can attest to the onslaught against our society. Peace signs and free sex were all over the place, you know, "make love, not war". The time when our education system took leave of absence in favor of a political movement, and we watched silently.

It has been over forty years of concentrated brainwashing of the children, yes over forty years. Today they are attacked from the time they go the kindergarten until they finish college. For every conservative professor there are twenty liberal/socialist professors. Students are admonished and their grades are affected by openly opposing the instructors viewpoint. This was evidenced by the Colorado professor Church, who lied and cheated to get hired. So many students are not being taught anything about America unless its a negative statement. According to public school, America is the cause of all ailments the world suffers. Can you imagine being bombarded by this kind of philosophy and ideology throughout your schooling? And then you wonder why your children don't have a grasp on reality or understand that the Constitution actually means something. They are taught it is their duty as citizens to teach everyone the truth about the "new" world, the perfect socialist world, but don't use the word socialism.

So we have paid our government to hire socialist to teach our children to become socialist and then wonder why they are socialist. Who has confronted the colleges for their choices of professors? What college could openly hire people like Ayers and be proud of it. What parent could send their offspring to a school who hires terrorist as professors? It is our duty as parents to be concerned with our children's education and our duty as citizens to protect our country from invasion and attack, even if that attack comes from our schools.

Our schools have brainwashed our youth into believing that the Constitution is a living and berating document. That laws should be written from the heart not the mind. That there are no losers and competition is wrong. Unions are your life-blood and you must listen to them at all times. Murders are only guilty because is was someones Else's fault and they were misunderstood. Infants are not real until they are out of the womb, so kill all the ugly mass of goo you want to. Lets all hold hands and sing songs until the pain goes away.

And you wonder why they are following Obama so blindly? Like the Pied Piper and all the rats. If you make it sound wonderful, the brainwashed masses will follow. It is a sorry time in our history that we have allowed socialism to destroy the greatest nation every. It started with the failure of the "great society" and worsened with the "baby boomers". We are leaving our world in a much worse way than we inherited it, we have failed our nation and our children. We allowed the state to brainwash them and said nothing. Now there is nothing we can say that will stop our social destruction.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Democratic Attack Dogs set loose

Moments after Sarah Palin's emergence on the national scene, Obama and the Democratic Rat Patrol stormed into Alaska. These attack dogs have been used in every election possible. The Democrats have trouble reaching the real people of America and can only seem to maintain control by uncovering any form of "dirt" against the Republicans that they can. Even when the candidate is relatively innocent (come on, do you really believe any of us are innocent?) they will elaborate on the most minute detail and even fabricate details in order to defame the candidate. This process of character assignation has been successful for the Democrats for many years.

The Socialist Party ... oops, I meant the Democratic Party, has the left wing media in the palm of their hands for the purpose of digging up someones background in order to do political assassination. But you will never see these leeches treat the Democratic politicians in the same manner. We have a Democratic candidate who claims he is not Muslim, yet changed his name from Barry to Barak, and nothing is questioned. A candidate who was friends with a home grown terrorist, Bill Ayers, and went so far as to announce his candidacy at his home, and nothing is questioned. Spent twenty years in a self confirmed black church that demonizes the white man and the Jewish people and proclaims that if God is not black then they do not need to worship Him. A church that has cursed America and advocates killing whites, as they are the ruination of this country, and the press is silent. A man who has spent roughly 143 days working as a Senator. Who spent his entire career voting present but afraid to commit himself to anything, and the press is silent. There are so many issues with this Marxist sympathiser that I could go on for pages, but they have been attacking Sarah Palin like a pack of rabid dogs.

Governor Palin has more credentials than all the candidates running this year. McCain, Obama nor Biden have executive experience. None of them have run anything other than their mouths. They all say that Congress is broke, but who has been in the congress? They are all part of the problem why nothing has been accomplished in eight years. The only person I am comfortable voting for is Gov. Palin, she is the only one with experience in doing something and she is NOT a lawyer, the bane on any nation.