Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Al Gore and the Global Warming Scam

As most mentally stable people are aware, the global warming hysteria is pure fabrication with no reproducible scientific fact to sustain it's continued attack against progress and economic stability. There are so few actual "scientist" who have jumped on board of this fiasco that it bewilders the mind how such hype can garner this much momentum.

Under sane circumstances, people usually require sufficient proof of an allegation before they succumb to to believing the scenario. But because Al Gore made a movie with fantastic slides, sound effects and special effects, he, single handed has convince the majority of Americans that this phenomenon is man made and that we (he) can save us from ourselves. The man who claims to have invented the Internet has also managed to create man made global warming. The man who discovered Love canals pollution, five years after the event, is going to lead us by our noses to the promised land. The man behind the Chinese political contribution scandal to re-elect Clinton and Gore, is doing all this for the poor uneducated people.

Now, I don't want to sound the alarm or suggest the Gore has an alternative motive for this scam, but the news has reported just how much Al Gore has made doing the Global Warming tour. It appears the our alarmist Al has made roughly one hundred twenty million dollars since he started this little show. Not bad for a part time job. This does not account for any of the monies he is making from the company he owns stock in that is pushed by none other than Al Gore. If Mr. Gore can force congress to push these environmental issues and purchasing Carbon Credits through his company, he stands to become the New Oil Barron of this generation. Gore has enough contacts and influence in congress to push his wealth issue through, and it will be the citizens that are forced to make him more wealthy than he is already.

Here is Al Gore, who owns multiple homes throughout the USA and none are "Green". He uses more natural resources than ten homes combined to run just one house. While George Bush's Texas home is GREEN. Al Gore, who is wealthier than George Bush, is just starting to convert his homes because the press found out how much he doesn't save. Then we must note that Al Gore takes Private Jets everywhere. Just one trip produces more carbon footprint than driving a super sized SUV for three years, yet this does not stop his activities. What's good for Al Gore is not good for Joe America. It's the same elitist attitude, do as I say, not as I do. I'm sure Al Gore is investing more of his $120,000,000.00 into his stock fund to erase his carbon footprint.

So who is Al Gore helping, you or himself? There is no proof that global warming is man made and more proof that it is directly related to the sun's activity. These warming and cooling trends have occurred in the past and will continue to do so until the end of time. Do you really think you can alter the suns output? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzSzItt6h-s The latest geological surveys done by NASA tell us a different story altogether, the sea has cooled by .07 degrees and the ice has gotten wider and thicker. This report just came out this week. And what did Al Gore say? Global warming is taking a vacation. http://www.globalwarmingisafarce.com/
Most true scientist and geologist will tell you that we should be expecting a cooling period, not a warming period, that's why Al Gore and company want to use the new term "Global Change". Ladies and Gentlemen, the earth will always be changing, it gets cold and hot. It never stays the same and there is nothing we can do about it. http://schnittshow.newsradio610.com/globalwarming.html

Conservation is not a bad idea, but it is not the culprit in changing the weather. This hysteria is solely for the purpose of making Al Gore super rich and nothing else. How long will the public continue to follow the pied piper? Until it's to late?