Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hypocritical Christians Vote

I have been confused about the direction and beliefs of the Christian voters in this country. As a fundamental Christian myself, I understand the obligations of following that belief, yet I see more and more Christians separating themselves from the belief when voting.

In this election, there are two primary concerns when it comes to religion. That would be abortion and gay marriage, both of which are supported by the Democratic nominee Obama. The Bible explicitly forbids both these actions, in the old and new testaments. Yet, I have seen many Christians, blindly following the Democratic party regardless of the conflict in interest.

90% of the black vote is automatically going to Barack because of his race, nothing else. This faction believes that Obama will give them the world. As one girl put it to a McCain supporter: "you going to have to work you white ass off and support me while I'm sitting home." Yet, many of these people proclaim they are Christian. Many of the white supporters have threatened and yelled at anyone not supporting Obama. But this article in not about the various hateful responses from the supporters of the candidates, I mentioned it only in context of the hypocritical voters.

I find it appalling that these so called Christians can somehow do what the Supreme Court illegally did when they placed into the 1st Amendment the concept of "separation of Church and state." Somehow the citizens of this great nation has succumbed to atheists demands to denounce religion and especially Judo-Christianity. It is disheartening that the people, who have more today than our founding fathers ever dreamed of, and yet they are ignorant. Ignorant to our history, our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. Without knowledge and understanding you are no better than sheep, following the charm master while he sings a song that ignites your passions.

Romans and Revaluation are among some of the chapters that describe Christians demise and willingness to follow false prophets. It warns of times when Christians will be hunted and illegal. Yet, Christians are blindly following a person of Muslim teachings, Muslim support, a person who doesn't want to wear the American flag because it might offend someone. A person who spent twenty years learning the black christian movement, supported to Farrican and Wright.

How can you support the Bible and Gods word when you support the anti-Christian? How can you figure that because you vote for a person that you do not condone his/her actions. This concept is no less wrong as hiring someone to kill for you, and not believe you are guilty of murder. To follow this concept of voting is hypocritical to your religion. It is a lie to God and all that you believe. You should know that, but as I said before, our country has succumbed to ignorance and expectations.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Brainwashed for Obama

Boy have I been delinquent. For any readers I may have, I am sorry for my lapse, too many excuses to go into.

So what's happening in our political world? Has everyone gone over the rainbow with Dorthy? I have never witnessed such an obvious and deliberate attack against our American principles as I am witnessing with Obama and his campaign. But rather than look at the socialist agenda he is presenting to the American citizen, I would like to explore the reason why so many citizens blindly follow his dance. They can't all be that ignorant, can they?

I guess we can officially say the Premier Khrushchev of the old USSR has been good to his word when he told us way back during President Kennedy's tenor, that Russia would take over America without firing a shot. And now we have Obama. How did this happen?

Lets start with the Soviet financial support of our anti-war protesters of the the Viet Nam era. Yes, that group of cowardly college students who thought nothing of disrupting America, burning class room and bombing buildings. These minions who have dedicated their lives to the concept that Marx was right. No matter how many times socialism has failed, these blind followers will not take the evidence as being real, "they can do better". Now these dedicated communist, in order to beat the draft used one of the few deferments available at the time, studying to become a teacher. Not that they wanted to teach, but they were afraid to go to war. The "Great Society" they are not and their parents should have been ashamed to have spawned them.

Here is where things start to get interesting. Even before our college students decided to follow the dark side of humanity, our professors were already spouting the benefits of a socialist society, that Utopian dream of every one being equal. Those years were flooded by songs produce to imply the "Age of Aquarius" and thousands of anti-war songs telling our youth to run and protest. Everyone who was alive during that sour time in our history can attest to the onslaught against our society. Peace signs and free sex were all over the place, you know, "make love, not war". The time when our education system took leave of absence in favor of a political movement, and we watched silently.

It has been over forty years of concentrated brainwashing of the children, yes over forty years. Today they are attacked from the time they go the kindergarten until they finish college. For every conservative professor there are twenty liberal/socialist professors. Students are admonished and their grades are affected by openly opposing the instructors viewpoint. This was evidenced by the Colorado professor Church, who lied and cheated to get hired. So many students are not being taught anything about America unless its a negative statement. According to public school, America is the cause of all ailments the world suffers. Can you imagine being bombarded by this kind of philosophy and ideology throughout your schooling? And then you wonder why your children don't have a grasp on reality or understand that the Constitution actually means something. They are taught it is their duty as citizens to teach everyone the truth about the "new" world, the perfect socialist world, but don't use the word socialism.

So we have paid our government to hire socialist to teach our children to become socialist and then wonder why they are socialist. Who has confronted the colleges for their choices of professors? What college could openly hire people like Ayers and be proud of it. What parent could send their offspring to a school who hires terrorist as professors? It is our duty as parents to be concerned with our children's education and our duty as citizens to protect our country from invasion and attack, even if that attack comes from our schools.

Our schools have brainwashed our youth into believing that the Constitution is a living and berating document. That laws should be written from the heart not the mind. That there are no losers and competition is wrong. Unions are your life-blood and you must listen to them at all times. Murders are only guilty because is was someones Else's fault and they were misunderstood. Infants are not real until they are out of the womb, so kill all the ugly mass of goo you want to. Lets all hold hands and sing songs until the pain goes away.

And you wonder why they are following Obama so blindly? Like the Pied Piper and all the rats. If you make it sound wonderful, the brainwashed masses will follow. It is a sorry time in our history that we have allowed socialism to destroy the greatest nation every. It started with the failure of the "great society" and worsened with the "baby boomers". We are leaving our world in a much worse way than we inherited it, we have failed our nation and our children. We allowed the state to brainwash them and said nothing. Now there is nothing we can say that will stop our social destruction.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Democratic Attack Dogs set loose

Moments after Sarah Palin's emergence on the national scene, Obama and the Democratic Rat Patrol stormed into Alaska. These attack dogs have been used in every election possible. The Democrats have trouble reaching the real people of America and can only seem to maintain control by uncovering any form of "dirt" against the Republicans that they can. Even when the candidate is relatively innocent (come on, do you really believe any of us are innocent?) they will elaborate on the most minute detail and even fabricate details in order to defame the candidate. This process of character assignation has been successful for the Democrats for many years.

The Socialist Party ... oops, I meant the Democratic Party, has the left wing media in the palm of their hands for the purpose of digging up someones background in order to do political assassination. But you will never see these leeches treat the Democratic politicians in the same manner. We have a Democratic candidate who claims he is not Muslim, yet changed his name from Barry to Barak, and nothing is questioned. A candidate who was friends with a home grown terrorist, Bill Ayers, and went so far as to announce his candidacy at his home, and nothing is questioned. Spent twenty years in a self confirmed black church that demonizes the white man and the Jewish people and proclaims that if God is not black then they do not need to worship Him. A church that has cursed America and advocates killing whites, as they are the ruination of this country, and the press is silent. A man who has spent roughly 143 days working as a Senator. Who spent his entire career voting present but afraid to commit himself to anything, and the press is silent. There are so many issues with this Marxist sympathiser that I could go on for pages, but they have been attacking Sarah Palin like a pack of rabid dogs.

Governor Palin has more credentials than all the candidates running this year. McCain, Obama nor Biden have executive experience. None of them have run anything other than their mouths. They all say that Congress is broke, but who has been in the congress? They are all part of the problem why nothing has been accomplished in eight years. The only person I am comfortable voting for is Gov. Palin, she is the only one with experience in doing something and she is NOT a lawyer, the bane on any nation.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Obama Endorses Induced Birth Abortions

Senator Obama, throughout his tenor in the Illinois government and while a Senator with the United States, has continually endorsed and authorized the utilization of "induced labor abortion". What, pray tell is that you may ask. It is one of the most horrific murders that you have heard about. This is reminiscence of Adolf Hitler and his human experiment/extermination experiments.

The process is simple, the doctor induces labor before the child is ready to meet the world naturally. After the baby is born, it is removed from the delivery room and placed on a vacant table or on dirty linen until it dies. It is given no medications or medical help, it is abandoned to die by itself, on a pile of filth. Some of these babies only last a few minutes while others have been known to live for over eight hours, squirming and striving to live. No food, milk, comfort or warmth .. placed all alone to die.

It is inconceivable how a doctor can perform such a merciless procedure, especially after taking the oath to protect life. How can a state allow such murders to take place, with no oversight or consequences. This is not abortion, this is a live baby being murdered.


Senator Obama has voted to allow this procedure on over four votes. He declares in his speeched to planned parenthood that he will endeavor to continue his work to allow women the choice over their bodies. He has declared countless times that an abortion should include recently delivered babies. How old do you have to be before your safe from the Fascist Liberals? It's too bad their parent didn't believe in the sport, our country would be much better off.

History is full of baby murders: Herod, Pharaoh, Adolf, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and now Obama. History has not taken kindly to the other murders, how will it treat our new fascist? Yet the Democratic party still triumphantly marches behind this socialist Muslim, lock stock and barrel. Muslim? Yes, I said Muslim. In his book he declares that if anything ever happens in this country he will stand with his Muslim brothers. Yes, Obama is a radial Muslim who sees nothing wrong with killing non-Muslim babies. We already know his American hating wife would not loose a tear over a white baby being murdered.

With his soon to come, secret police, maybe we can all share in his murder spree. Maybe we can all convert or have our heads handed to us. If he can easily murder babies, with no remorse or sympathy, what makes you think you are safe?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Obama or Carpathian?

"America is the greatest nation on earth, help me change it!"

What a declaration for a presidential contender. And the mindless sheep just keep on following. But, what may I ask is Obama going to change America into, as if I didn't already know.
If you follow Obamas life and his political career, it is easy to ascertain what he intends to do to America, notice I said to and not for.

A little footnote about the charisma that Obama has used to lure the people into following him blindly into the abyss. Adolph Hitler also inspired millions to follow him. Charles Manson also had this ability to charm you into his will, and there are hundreds of others who have been granted this ability and have used it for the detriment of the people.

Lets look at some of the legislation that Obama has voted on:
Voted against banning partial birth abortion.
Voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions.
Supports affirmative action in colleges and government.
Deal with drug dealers as a minimum wage affair.
Proclaimed one of his first goals after being elected would to meet with all Muslim nations.
Opposed the Patriot Act.
Voted no on Prohibition law suits against gun manufacturers.
Support universal health care.
Voted yes providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees.
Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.
Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants.
Voted NO to making English the official language of America.
Voted YES on comprehensive immigration reform (amnesty for illegals).
Voted YES to allow illegal aliens to participate in Social Security.
Want to make the minimum wage a "living wage".
Voted with Democratic Party 96% of 251 votes.
Opposes efforts to privatize Social Security but rather increase the taxes we must pay into the system.
Voted NO on repealing the 'Death' tax.
Wants to raise Capital Gains Tax.
He is ranked the most liberal Senator in the Senate today, beating out Kennedy and Boxer.

Now if you add onto this his life, who he befriends, how he acquired his wealth and the privileged life he and his America hating wife has been afforded by the taxpayers, you see a whole different story. Here is a man who, supposedly raised by this white grandparents, but as a teen embraced the "black" man inside and even wrote about his disdain for whites. His close friends are an American hating minister or two, an American terrorist who is sorry he did not do more death and mayhem during his reign of violence and at least one crook, who made sure Obama was taken care of. The only real experience his man has is being the Al Sharpton of Chicago.

but if you look at his stance on politics and the people you can see that his entire being is directed toward bringing America to a Socialist stance, shoulder to shoulder with France. Take all the money from the wealth and redistribute it to the masses. Sounds something like Lenin did in Russia to give birth to the communist nation of the USSR. Hitler did the same thing, taking all the money and property from the Jewish citizens. And Obama has already told you that he wants a non military force to handle things in this country, something like the brown shirts or maybe even the Gestapo. Obama is telling the world what he intends to do and no one is listening, they are wooing and cheering, is he Carpathian?

Friday, July 25, 2008

No Need to Vote in America

It appears that Barack Obama has proclaimed himself the President of the United States. Nope, we don't need to waste our time at the voting machines in November, it is already settled. Or at least that's what it appears.
Barack Obama decided to give himself foreign relations credentials, finally. The problem with his adventure is that he started making speeches in those countries, as if he had the authority to do so. Obama started laying out his plan for Europe while he is serving his "eight to ten years" as president. And yet, he isn't the official Democratic candidate yet. They haven't had their convention, so officially Obama is still their presumptive candidate.
In no other election has this elitist, defiant attitude ever surfaced in a candidate before. Throughout our history, no candidate ever went overseas to lay out their plan or to seek the roaring crowds of foreign nationals. John McCain, who is lacking in many areas for his liberal views, at least knows you do not make policy statements in a foreign country until you have the authority to do so.
As we have seen, our main stream media has remained neutral throughout this affair with Barack Obama. Yep, no obvious prejudices or self drawn conclusions. But may I ask, when has any of the news anchors taken a trip with McCain? The Republican candidate can't even get more than four reporters for important statements, but Obama can barely move because of the intense competition of the reporters trying to get the best angle or statement. Roughly two thousand asked for seats on the jet flying Obama around the world and forty were accepted. Even Jeff Greenfield of CBS news stated, "This saturation of coverage has already led the conservative blogosphere to offer blistering critiques of a liberal media slavishly treating Obama as a Pop Star. But... the sheer presence of media in no way guarantees favorable coverage." What does this tell you? Even Charles Krauthammer had this to say about the media love affair with Obama, "I think that the coverage is getting beyon presidential. It's papal. I mean, a president never has all three anchors on the way with him... If you needed any evidence of how much in the tank the mainstream media are, this is it." Obama dosen't need to spend the enormous amounts of campaign funds because the press is advertising for him, free of charge. But they want the "fairness doctrine" re-instated.
Yes, the press is in love with Obama and nothing he or his wife can say will diminish their fever for his ascension to the thrown. It doesn't matter if he hasn't any idea how long a president serves "eight to ten years" or "let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's." or the fact that he has visited 57 states. "The Obama's seems like a finger-wagging principal and teacher tag team, with Michelle Obama promising that her husband will make us work harder when he becomes president." Sounds like we are going to be punished the moment Barack becomes president. But if you look at his economic plan, I guess she is right. We will have to work harder and longer to pay for the extra taxes.
I will end this article with a statement from our friend and staunch supporter of the Constitution of the United States, Mr. Rush Limbaugh, "The idea that four months before a presidential election a candidate can run through these countries, meet some world leaders, and claim experience in these matters may impress the liberal media, but to me, it exposes just how unprepared for the presidency this guy is... I have never seen a presidential candidate with less to offer this nation - yet with more arrogance and self-delusion - than Barack Obama."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Democrats against America

Have you been watching the debate over oil and drilling? It sure is apparent who is for America and who is trying to send us back to the 8th century with our Islamic neighbors. The Democrats are demanding that the oil companies use the leases they already own before they consider the leasing of additional land. If you listen to the oil companies, many of these so called leases have been receded by the federal government. Another report suggests that the sites they hold for exploration, are not guaranteed to hold much oil. Considering the cost of drilling, it is important for any company to explore the most productive and assured locations rather than gamble on hypothetical.

America has enough oil to run this country for 60 - 100 years, with no outside purchases. I am quite sure that within the sixty year mark we can have enough alternative energy to sustain our country forever. Yet Senator Obama and the Democratic front, expect us to switch to alternative energy right now. Pelosi wants the emergency reserves released, which will tide us over for two weeks and nothing more. Yet Obama and Pelosi refuse to consider any form of energy other than solar, wind or bio-fuel. How preposterous and moronic can this course of action be?

If I get my history right, and I probably will not be exact but pretty close, the enviormental movement has been fighting against oil and industry for over forty years. They started a campaign against SUV's in the 1990's, complaining about the gas they used and the size of the vehicle. In the seventies they were shouting about the earths demise through a new ice age that would hit by the 1990's. They have fought against any progression or protection of this country for the benefit of some wildlife that no one has ever seen. But they have finally overcome their bonds of silliness and have gotten the entire Democratic party on their side. Al Gore has stated the the government should increase gas to five dollars a gallon to reduce our dependency on the substance, we are almost there.

It is funny, because when House Speaker Pelosi took the gavel she proclaimed that now that the Democrats were in charge she was going to fix the oil problem. At the time we were paying $2.25 a gallon. Well, as you can see, she has fixed the problem and followed Al Gores lead. Ever time the Republicans submit a proposal for our energy problems they are shouted down or rejected. Nancy Pelosi has recently said that she will NOT allow an energy vote to occur before their summer break. Here we are with gas at $4.11 a gallon and the Democrats refuse to even consider a cure.

What's worse, is the hypocrisy of the politicians, while they moan that we, the little people, are having major problems with fuel, they suggest that we stop driving. They expect us to bicycle to work and buy hybrid cars. Congress wants us to use poisonous light bulbs and turn down your air conditioner in the summer and turn down you heater in the winter. As Ms. Obama suggest, we will have to learn to live with less. The funny thing is, all of these people use limousines or large cars, driven by chauffeurs, they fly private jets or leased jets. When is the last time you say a congressman flying coach with you? Even today, Al Gore was seen idling his limo for over twenty minutes waiting for someone, and not wanting to get hot in the car, he mad ensure the engine was running and the AC was on. These elite snobs are destroying your world, but refuse to relinquish any part of their domain. This is what socialism is all about, only the elite will have and all the other people will be subjects, insuring the elites continued wealth and privilege.

So America, we have two choices, either we vote out every person who has voted against our energy independence without sending us into the eighth century or we can accept the socialist lifestyle. Retain our freedom or relinquish it to the fascist who want to subjugate you. "Vote for Change" but be aware that the change you vote for may not be what you think your getting. You can learn to do with less and hand your children a country destroyed by socialism/fascism or you can give them a better start. If our president and congress does not understand our need for energy independence from every country and that we should drill, use nuclear, clean coal, solar and wind, then we need to change all of them to true representatives of the people.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Teacher Union out to destroy America

Recently I have been reading about the abuses and complaints of the infamous Teachers Union and their members. I never realized just how corrupt and self centered this group of individuals apparently are. If they belong to the union and support the union's views, then I guess I can safely assume they are in bed with this self-centered political force.

Oh, yes, they are a political force. The Democratic Party has nurtured and pampered this group of citizens and the union and it's members reward the party with their blind faith. As long as the Democratic Party continues to honor, praise, reward and protect the Teachers Union, the teachers will support the Democrats no matter who or what policies they run under. This is a sizable voting block that must be protected at all cost ... your cost.

Lets examine how mistreated and unfortunate our teachers are. In 1999 the average of $43,100.00 a year. Now keep in mind, this is for a total of one hundred and eighty days of work. A teachers salary is higher than our police (who happen to protect us), firemen (who also happen to protect us) About the only people that make more than teachers are doctors, lawyers, engineers and politicians. Of that group, the only people who may work less than teachers would be the politician. And that is obvious when you watch congress on the television, they are never present. According to a survey compiled by Vedder: "Teachers earned more per hour than architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, statisticians, biological and life scientists, atmospheric and space scientists, registered nurses, physical therapists, university-level foreign-language teachers, librarians, technical writers, musicians, artists, and editors and reporters."

But the perks don't stop here. Teachers are the only profession that has "special" recognition days. The Federal Government has a recognize the teacher day, the states and some cities have a recognition day and a number of private industries chimed in. With each award, money and gifts are given for a teacher do to their job, teach. When was the last time the federal government acknowledged for doing your job? When is the last time you saw "Fireman of the Year Award"? "Plumber of the Year Award." "Housewife of the Year Award." Yet, teachers are given every recognition possible and afforded gifts of money, vacations and discounts. How would you like to go the Busch Gardens for free? Before I leave compensation matters I would like to bring up their real benefits, like free health care for life and a very good retirement system, which actually punishes you if you delay your retirement. Where else can you get a job with such great potential.

You, my fellow American, are paying these teachers to do nothing but slander America and demean God and country. When teachers can, without mandate, yell to the students that "Bush is like Hitler!" something is dreadfully wrong in our educational system. Recently I heard about a teacher that forced the students in his class to bow down and worship Allah, so they may have an understanding of Islam. When a school in Pennsylvania had the children chant "celebrate Kwanzaa" but refused any acknowledgement of Christmas carols, we have a problem.

Our teachers have embraced the mantra of socialism and the ideal of Marxist principles and are spreading the news to our children. That is why the Democratic Party MUST maintain control of the public schools. According to John Dewey, the founder of public education in America, said, "You can't make Socialists out of individualists-children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent." Even the socialist founder Lenin proclaimed "Give me your four-year-olds, and in a generation I will build a Socialist state." Hitler even stated, "Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state." Why do the Democrats want to make sure they control the schools?

What about the great job teachers are doing? Lets see. Using the International comparisons, our fourth graders score he 92% in science, 70% in reading, 58% in math. Beating countries such as Germany, France and Italy. By the time these students get to 12th grade, the scores are dreadfully different. Science scores alone plummeted us to the 29% range. We went from 92 to 29 in only a matter of a few years in our public schools. Too many children are graduating from high school who cannot read or write. They cannot pass a simple literacy test and get a reasonable job. In 2003, the New York State courts officially found that graduates of the New Your City's public schools are not competent to sit on a jury.

Some funnier stats come from teacher applicants. In Massachusetts in 1998, fifty-nine percent of the candidates for teaching positions failed a basic skills test geared for eighth graders. In response, the commission suggested the passing score be lowered from 77 percent to 66 percent. There was a teacher in New York City who could not pass his exam and he hired a homeless man on the street to take the test for him.

These are just a few examples of the injustice the Teachers Union places on the taxpayer. This is the same union that is fighting to stop home schooling, they are making the "real" teachers look bad. Socialism, Fascist and Islam all rely upon one thing, ignorant subjects. That is what our schools are producing each and every day, and we reward our teachers for their vigor in destroying our great country. It our fault that America will fall, because we do NOT take a stand and force our schools to teach and not brainwash. If our teachers cannot teach they should be fired and retired citizens with practical experience should be hired, they would do a much better job than submitting our kids to brainwashed teachers in a government supported school system.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Al Gore and the Global Warming Scam

As most mentally stable people are aware, the global warming hysteria is pure fabrication with no reproducible scientific fact to sustain it's continued attack against progress and economic stability. There are so few actual "scientist" who have jumped on board of this fiasco that it bewilders the mind how such hype can garner this much momentum.

Under sane circumstances, people usually require sufficient proof of an allegation before they succumb to to believing the scenario. But because Al Gore made a movie with fantastic slides, sound effects and special effects, he, single handed has convince the majority of Americans that this phenomenon is man made and that we (he) can save us from ourselves. The man who claims to have invented the Internet has also managed to create man made global warming. The man who discovered Love canals pollution, five years after the event, is going to lead us by our noses to the promised land. The man behind the Chinese political contribution scandal to re-elect Clinton and Gore, is doing all this for the poor uneducated people.

Now, I don't want to sound the alarm or suggest the Gore has an alternative motive for this scam, but the news has reported just how much Al Gore has made doing the Global Warming tour. It appears the our alarmist Al has made roughly one hundred twenty million dollars since he started this little show. Not bad for a part time job. This does not account for any of the monies he is making from the company he owns stock in that is pushed by none other than Al Gore. If Mr. Gore can force congress to push these environmental issues and purchasing Carbon Credits through his company, he stands to become the New Oil Barron of this generation. Gore has enough contacts and influence in congress to push his wealth issue through, and it will be the citizens that are forced to make him more wealthy than he is already.

Here is Al Gore, who owns multiple homes throughout the USA and none are "Green". He uses more natural resources than ten homes combined to run just one house. While George Bush's Texas home is GREEN. Al Gore, who is wealthier than George Bush, is just starting to convert his homes because the press found out how much he doesn't save. Then we must note that Al Gore takes Private Jets everywhere. Just one trip produces more carbon footprint than driving a super sized SUV for three years, yet this does not stop his activities. What's good for Al Gore is not good for Joe America. It's the same elitist attitude, do as I say, not as I do. I'm sure Al Gore is investing more of his $120,000,000.00 into his stock fund to erase his carbon footprint.

So who is Al Gore helping, you or himself? There is no proof that global warming is man made and more proof that it is directly related to the sun's activity. These warming and cooling trends have occurred in the past and will continue to do so until the end of time. Do you really think you can alter the suns output? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzSzItt6h-s The latest geological surveys done by NASA tell us a different story altogether, the sea has cooled by .07 degrees and the ice has gotten wider and thicker. This report just came out this week. And what did Al Gore say? Global warming is taking a vacation. http://www.globalwarmingisafarce.com/
Most true scientist and geologist will tell you that we should be expecting a cooling period, not a warming period, that's why Al Gore and company want to use the new term "Global Change". Ladies and Gentlemen, the earth will always be changing, it gets cold and hot. It never stays the same and there is nothing we can do about it. http://schnittshow.newsradio610.com/globalwarming.html

Conservation is not a bad idea, but it is not the culprit in changing the weather. This hysteria is solely for the purpose of making Al Gore super rich and nothing else. How long will the public continue to follow the pied piper? Until it's to late?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Supreme Court and Guantanamo Bay

Today, the liberal United States Supreme Court has gone against all our laws and history to afford the detainees at Guantanamo, citizen legal rights. I cannot believe the socialist on the bench, namely: Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg (the ACLU lawyer), Souter and Stevens, actually gave American Rights to foreign combatants.

May I ask what happened during World War 2? Did America give citizen rights to the POW's? We didn't even afford these rights to our Japanese citizens, yet this group of anti-American judges have placed this great right upon those bent upon destroying our great country.

I find it very funny, that so many Americans have been complaining about the Guantanamo facility. The loony left has been demanding rights for the detainees. They have been quoting part of the Geneva Convention, but not all of it. The Geneva Convention states that the only "legal" combatant is those individuals in "uniform". Any person in civilian clothes is a "SPY" and can be executed without trial. No where does the Geneva Convention forbid torture to spies and civilian combatants, only to soldiers.

The al-Quida and the Taliban are both terrorist groups, neither are covered under the Geneva Convention. Why then do our loony lefties and the socialist in our Supreme Court demand on granting these murders full legal protection? Is there something more sinister behind their demands? I know the ACLU has an agenda to destroy this country, it is in their purpose statement from the founder. I know that socialism has permeated our education system and Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg worked for the ACLU and has favored every case brought before the court by the ACLU since she was made a Supreme Court Justice.

So now we have the loony left and the socialist judges worried about the Geneva Convention, but not once have I heard them condemn the actions of the terrorist. They can kill women and children, cut the heads off anyone they don't like, torture and kill our soldiers, but WE have to worry about the Geneva Convention. They play dead and then shoot to kill our soldiers, but any soldier who shoots a terrorist who is bleeding and the left expects OUR men be punished. Why do the enemy have more rights than our own men and women. Why does the Democratic party pander to the loony left and go against our soldiers? Why is there a massive pacification propaganda machine trying to prove the peacefulness of Islam and the lambasting of Christians?

This is the one example of why we cannot allow a liberal in the White House, we will end up with more Ginsburg's, Stevens, Souter's, Kennedy's and the likes of Breyer. It is a shameful day in American history and another black eye to the Supreme Court.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama beats Hillary

Well it looks like Obama has finally won the race for the Democratic nomination for the candidacy of the Presidency of the Untied States of America. It has been a long and gifted campaign against Hillary Clinton. Gifted? Yes, Obama was chosen by the media almost from the start of his campaign, imagine being able to proclaim you (the media) elected the first black president. Everyone has been afraid to attack the man on issues that are of grave concern for fear of being called racist. It's funny, how in America, we have to worry about our speech for fear of the left labeling us with some derogatory name.
Senator Obama has been handed the campaign over that of Hillary Clinton. He has "never" been challenged for his inactivity, associations or his lunatic ideas of rebuilding America into a new and aspiring socialist nation. The media and the brainwashed youth are following someone who's only message is "change". They have not listened to what he is proposing, they are only listening to the talking points, not the substance.
Here is a man who was brought up in political world through the Chicago machine. This political machine has been one of the most vile and criminal political systems in America for years. Mr. Obama was educated and nurtured and supported by this same political mafia, he was constant friends with some of the most anti'-American individuals you can find. I know, that most people want his church association forgotten, you know, it's not his fault what his minister says. But the story goes much further, it is much more ominous than just a activist minister. Mr. Obama has said the Minister Wright was his friend and that he could not separate himself from Mr. Wright anymore than he could divorce himself from being black. If Obama is so intertwined with his anti-American, ant-white minister, what does that say about his feelings toward America and it's non-black citizens?
Yet the press has not really exposed this issues, or examined the potential conflicts of interest. Just recently he left the church for political reasons only, not for what that church stands for, but he wants to be president and the church is still too controversial for his aspirations. He has close ties to anti-American terrorist, who spent the 70's killing police and Innocent people here in America. Who openly spout their attacks and are upset they did not do more harm. What does this say about this candidate? Why doesn't the press elaborate on these issues?
The press elected Obama for their own perverse reasons and literally stopped Hillary in her footsteps. Hillary Clinton, who has been touted as the first female president, by the press and her followers, was suddenly outed by the same press that only a year earlier praised her every move. It is a shame why our free press cannot be non-partisan and just report the facts rather than spend their time convincing and brainwashing their readers and listeners. Our system would work so much nicer and effective if the press would treat EVERYONE equal. For the first time Hillary has been the target of negative press, something the Republican party is all to accustomed to.
Now the true battle begins, the battle of ideas and strengths. I only fear that this will not be the case. I am afraid that it will be a racial election, and a racial election only. This destroys the concept of choosing the best person for the position, but embeds the concept of color wins, affirmative action gone to the extreme. It's your choice, a snake oil salesman or a proven commodity.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Second Amenment Rights

America and the Second Amendment, is it still valid? Oh, I know, there are thousands of people who are screaming that the right to own firearms does not belong to the people, but only to the state militia. I hear a lot of liberals/fascist/socialist/communist insist that if it were not for guns we would not have crime. No one would ever be shot. All those children who accidentally shoot themselves or their friends would be alive if it weren't for those evil guns. The funny thing is, every state and city with the harshest laws against the honest citizen, the most restrictive laws, are also the area's where crime runs ramped.
The questions about the terminology of the Second Amendment has been discusses and talked about over the years. Yet all it takes is for someone to read the intention of the founders to know the answer to these questions. Is the right of ownership reserved for the militia alone or for the people as a whole?
John Madison, our fourth President and author of our Constitution and Bill of Rights has this to say:

"The Constitution preserves "the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation... (where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." (The Federalist, No. 46)
Wow, what does this one statement tell us? That every nation that fears it's people is a nation that is against it's people. Look at Adolf Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Pol-Pot and every other communist and dictator nation on this earth. What was the first thing the government did? Take away the firearms from the people! Why? Because the people will now be subservient to anything the government want to do, any dictate or law can be processed without fear of retaliation from the people. Ask all those millions of Vietnamese that we ran out on, what it meant to be unarmed and unprotected. Ask the Jews what it was like when Germany took away their guns.
We are already at a disadvantage because of the 1968 gun laws, which ironically were taken almost verbatim from Hitlers gun laws. Congress and the socialists have done their best to convince America that the firearms are for "sport shooting and hunting". These statements are far from the truth. Our Second Amendment was designed to follow through with our countries Declaration of Independence. If our government fails to be for the people and by the people, if it decide to take away your rights as stated in the Constitution (not the make believe rights of the liberals), if our government becomes inattentive to the voice of it's citizens, the citizen has the absolute right to reclaim their country. That is what the South did during the War Between the States (1861-65). In an effort to extract themselves from a tyrannical government, as they perceived it, they took up arms, the most advanced arms that they had. During our Revolution we used the most advance firearms of the times, the Brown Bess. Yet our government, in fear of the people has made it illegal to own military grade firearms, a direct violation of the Second Amendment.
I wonder what James Madison would say about our predicament today? Would he favor our laws or have other speeches of wisdom?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Obama's Economics

Obamanomics, the new word for economic disaster. If we thought John McCain was left behind in the economic education department, wait till you take notice and read all about Obama's proposals for America. If you have read my post titled "show me the money" this will just be more detailed information on policies.

According to Larry Kudlow of CNBC, "Obama's spend-o-meter is now up around $800 billion." Try that again .. $800 billion. And by taxing only the rich will not fill the coffers enough to fulfill all of his pledges and promises. He is going to have to attack the middle class to meet his financial responsibilities.

Lets start with his proposal to increase the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour and would like to see minimum wage attached to inflation. As inflation increases so does minimum wage. Now this doesn't look bad, does it? Lets consider the true impact of such an act. It will promote to hiring of more illegal aliens, they are off the books and work for slave wages (America's new slave trade). More of our youth will not have the opportunity to earn money because no one is going to hire extra help at these prices. Lets take this a step further, your Big Mac is going to cost you a few extra dollars to support the high wages paid for unskilled workers. For your information, minimum wage was invented to provide a minimum income for a "trainee", unskilled, untaught individual. This level of income was NOT intended for you to remain there, just to learn and move on. Each time these wages have been increased, fewer of our young men and women are able to find jobs because fewer small business are hiring more people.

Although 52% of American citizens own stocks, Senator Obama wants to raise the Capital Gains tax to 30%, doubling the current 15% tax. What does this mean to our economy you may ask. It will lower the investments made by corporations, individuals and investors. These investors will most likely seek investments in foreign markets, and keep from paying taxes on the gains until they sell them. They don't have to sell them until our tax policies are realistic so the outcome will be a lowering of American investments. This will cause a downturn in our economy and provide us with excessive unemployment.
Why would Senator Obama do such damaging maneuver? Simple, Mr. Obama maintains very few stocks. Obama has never been an investor and as such does not understand the principles. All he is looking at is the fact that CEO's and managers are reaping huge sums of money from stocks and thinks that they are the ones taking money from the people. In order to punish the stock brokers for earning money, he is willing to punish the entire economy and all of the small investors. This is pure ignorance of economic matters at work.
Under Obamanomics, the United States will become the highest taxed nation in the world. While most nations are lowering their tax rates, he will be raising ours. More than twenty countries have adopted the "flat tax" principles that have been touted by such pundits as President Ronald Regan, Steve Forbes and countless others. Our foreign neighbors will have a booming economy while America will lag behind and possibly go into an extended recession. Obama's economics will such the lifeblood out of our economy and our nation.
Stay tuned for more information about Obamanomics.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Liberal or Progressive

Isn't it funny how people change their descriptive title in order to sound better than they are? For years the American people have heard the battle cry of "we are Liberal" and proud of it. Well, after all these years of finding out how devastating the title of "Liberal" is to their political movement, the left has transformed into the party of the "Progressives". This is to give the impression that all others are stagnant, not moving, stale. Only the progressive truly understands the issues and the needs of the people. If you are not with a progressive, hook line and sinker, then you are ignorant and can't really understand the intelligence of the truly advanced human being. That is precisely what Hugo Chavez said when he failed to secure the presidency for life.

What is a progressive? According to the dictionary: "favoring and promoting social reform. ... characterized by emphasis on individual needs." Something in the line of "..a system of thought that gives class struggle a primary role in leading society from bourgeois democracy under capitalism to a socialist society..." Marxist. "..A social system in which the producers possess both political power and the means of producing and distributing goods.." Socialist.
If you listen to a progressive, they all advocate the above sentiments, but attempt to add sweets to make it sound better. But how many have actually thought about what is being shoved down your throats? How many of you have actually considered the implications of the transition?
It's not hard to see, really. Look at Russia, China, Venezuela and Cuba. Each of these countries have done wonders for the "people". While the ruling class has everything, cars, houses, money and food, the "people" struggle to maintain a small apartment and stand in line for hours for food. The only people that progress and advance are those that are connected to the ruling party. The rulers have all the good doctors and immediate health care while the people are subjected to long waits for any health care and most often by an incompetent doctor. If it is an emergency, you can see a doctor by bribing him.
What does Progressive, Marxist and Socialism have in common? They are all designed to take away your right to "progress", your right to advance, because it is more important to support those factions of our society who prefer not to work. It is more important that everyone has the same and no one is left out. It is better to take your money away and give it to someone who has less, that way we are all happy and content. Each of these political systems are designed to control you and mold you into little working ants. Think about it, no more concerns about making a lot of money or even working for that matter. Someone else will worry for you, Big Brother in Washington will watch over you and care for you.
Today we have two candidates who openly proclaim they are "Progressive". They are afraid to mention the word Liberal due to it's connotation. The both insist that we must "take from those that have much and give to those that have little". This is called income distribution, steal from those that have and give to those that don't.
Yet, in America, a person has always had the opportunity and right to advance themselves. How many Americans started with nothing and became millionaires? No one has ever stopped an American from becoming rich. It is a personal decision, work or don't work. You cannot drop out of school and drink all day then expect to be a millionaire. Everyone who desires to become rich can, it isn't like Europe and a far better system than England, Canada, Russia and China. Our system is based on the individuals abilities and dedication.

So we have a choice in this election, do we want Big Brother taking over or keep America free. Do we vote for "Change we can believe in" or change we can live with? While I truly feel that American does not have a champion in the running for this election, I am also very afraid of the alternatives. If either democratic candidate takes office as President of the Untied States of America, we will face a barrage of taxes, re-distribution of income, terrorist attacks here in the states (because we have run in the face of Islam) and your personal rights as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights will be erased. One of the first will be the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Both Hillary and Obama are dead set on taking away the "right of the people" to own firearms, and both, with the help of a liberal congress, attack that right until they take it away. Once that one right is eliminated, we will loose them all. So do you vote for "Change we can believe in" or not? Think carefully on this position, it could mean everything to your future.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Liberman - Warner Tax Proposal

Energy Information Administration (EIA) has produced an analysis of the "America's Climate Security Act - S.2191 (Liberman-Warner)

According to the Environment & Public Works Committee, Sen. James Inhofe (R-Olka),
"Multiple government and private analyses now clearly show that the bill is wrong for America,". "The EIA analyses projected unacceptable increases in Americans average annual household energy bills up to $325 in 2020 and $723 by 2030. And this does not factor in transportation-related costs. The EIA also found that the Lieberman-Warner bill would lead to higher coal, natural gas and petroleum prices."

"Further, EIA's gloomy economic analysis is contingent upon the U.S. building more than 2 1/2 times as many new nuclear plants as are currently operating,". Basically speaking, the Lieberman-Warner bill would decrease our manufacturing by at least 9.5% by 2030. "If Democrats have their way, Americans will pay significantly more at the pump, in their homes, and in many cases, with their jobs, all to accomplish and undetectable impact on the climate."

EPA's analysis of Liberman-Warner bill: 1.8 Million jobs will be lost by 2020; Carbon mandate would harm consumers, jobs and economy; Gas will rise by 53 cents per gallon: cutting emissions may cost U.S. economy up to 108 Trillion dollars.
For more information see:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Show me the Money!

That's part of what this presidential election is going to come down to. Who is going to take your money our of your wallet. Unless you like some of our super rich citizens, who are more than willing to hand up your hard earned cash for the good of the whole, you may be interested in these figures.

Capital Gains Tax:
McCain 15% (no change)
Obama 28%
Clinton 24%

Dividend Tax:
McCain 15% (no change)
Obama 39.6%
Clinton 39.6%

Income Tax:
McCain (no changes)
Single 30K = $4,500 tax
Single 50K = $12,500
Single 75K =$18,750
Married 60K =$9,000
Married 75K =$18,750
Married 125K =$31,250

Obama and Clinton (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single 30K =$8,400 Tax
Single 50K =$14,000
Single 75K =$23,250
Married 60K =$16,800
Married 75K =$21,000
Married 125K =$38,750

Inheritance Tax:
McCain 0% (no change, Bush repealed the tax)
Obama Return to inheritance tax
Clinton Return to inheritance tax

Some of the new taxes proposed by both Hillary Clinton and Obama:

Additional gas taxes, new taxes for dwellings over 2400 square feet, new taxes to pay for the multi-billion dollar health care program, taxes on natural resources (gas, water, electricity, etc)

Overall, after analyzing Obama's promised planes and new taxes, which include: Health care ($65 Billion per year); energy plan ($15 Billion a year); national infrastructure re-investment bank ($6 Billion a year); assistance to the poor ; "fairness for middle class"; Economic stimulus package ($75 Billion); education (18 Billion a year); national service plan (&14 Billion a year); foreign assistance funding (increase by $25 Billion per year); "Obama for America" tax of 1/7th of 1% tax to give to poor countries ($845Billion per year), and the list goes on and on. Check it out: http://www.barackobama.com/

All and all, Barack Obama will cost Americans about $874.35 Billion dollars in added programs for one term in the White House. Not bad for a beginner. Hillary Clinton's package is almost the same but with different programs. Now like I said, if Soros, Bloomberg and Hollywood want to pay for this bill, welcome to it, they have more than enough cash to support their socialist dream. I do not believe that the American people can afford such spending. We need government to STOP spending and decrease their appetite. I sort of liked my tax break from President Bush and I'm far from the cream of the crop. I'm not "Rich" but that tax break helped my family, now the with the likes of Obama and Clinton, they want to take those meager funds away so they can re-distribute them to others, even other countries or the United Nations.

Even if you have no concept of foreign relations, economics, judicial matters or military matters, you have to have some knowledge of finances, or your one of those that bought your home without sufficient funds and are now loosing it. This socialist program does NOT belong in America and we cannot afford, financially or historically, to embrace the demise of the American culture and convert it to a socialist government, where every one has a chicken for the pot but you don't have a pot for the chicken.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Climate change will cost you money

Climate Warming or is it Change now? The snake oil salesmen of our country and government have managed to sell Climate Change as a disease, something we can cure because we did it in the first place. The same crowd that always blam's America for every ill this world has. Not to get too far off track, these are the same scientist that proclaimed "Global Cooling" in the 1970's. According to their guess, we were supposed to go into an ice age, whereby killing off our food supply within twenty years. Funny thing is, we still have food, warm climate in zones and cool climate in their zones. Nothing changed, but does anyone remember these charlatans of yesteryear? Apparently not. Because the same story is being told again and again, and this time by a former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore (I invented the Internet). The difference is, we have had thirty years to dumb down our citizens through our socialist agenda schools. Our dope smoking draft dodgers of the sixties, who became teachers to keep from going into the service, are in charge of teaching our children morals, logic's and the three "R"s. Boy are we in trouble. They were in love with Marxism back then and have been indoctrinating our children since then.

Well, now that the entire world has lost their brains and have bought into the concept that man has caused all our global weather, it's time for man to fix it. But wait, how do you fix Mother Nature? If you listen to Al Gore and the left wing loonies, it's to offset your carbon footprint by investing in Al Gore's company. Why do I say it's Al Gore's company? Because he has the majority of stock and will ultimately receive a sizable amount of money if he can get his way, by creating a new "Law" which will force you and me to finance him and make him a super billionaire.

How is he going to manage that you may ask, but spend time looking to me, just look at the Climate Security Act introduced by Liberman-Warner (S.2191) which will cap emissions of carbon dioxide and gasses suspected of attributing to global warming. More than 80% of emissions reduction would have to come from the energy section and to reduce our emission by this amount by 2020 will be devastating to our economy and the way we live. According to the Milwaukee Business Journal, these demands will ultimately increase the cost of energy, especially in natural gas prices.

According to Libermann and Warner, along with the usual brain numb circle of idiots, believe these costs will only amount to about twenty five cents per person. But according to John Engler, president and CEO of National Association of Manufacturers, it "runs the risk of doing more economic harm than environmental good,". Others have suggested that the actual amount this bill will cost America, will be in the billions of dollars. The only way to avoid this catastrophic collision between reality and government is to utilize technology that does not exist yet.

The bill would allow companies who do not use their carbon credits (notice the term "carbon credits"?) and could sell them to other companies who's carbon footprint is too large. This cap and trade system would cause major investments in energy technologies, which as of now seems to be dominated by who else but Al Gore. In effect, this legal move would create the next generation of oil Barron's in this country. This bill had to be written with the help of Al Gore because so much of it's wording is duplicated in this advertisement for his movie.

Now the big question , is Al Gore guilty of creating fraud against the American people with the help of his cronies in Washington and Hollywood? Too many scientist disagree with Al Gore and company. Too much evidence exists that suggest this is a natural occurrence and he is aware of it. Yet, Al Gore and the left loonies will not allow an open debate between their so called scientist and those that insist that this is a natural occurrence of our world. If Al Gore is profiting from deliberately misleading the public, and gaining government assistance, is he guilty? If this bill passes, your pocket book will convict him, but then it will be too late.

Obama requirs America to Ask Permission

Senator and Presidential candidate Obama has decided to relinquish much of Americas destiny to that of the United Nations and the world as a whole. Yesterday while speaking in Oregon, he admonished Americans for using too much food, too much fuel and too much energy. Although these commodities are generated here in America, Senator Obama feels that the world body has a right to say how much we use. It appears the Senator Obama is more of a Marxist than even Hillary Clinton. He appears to be throwing us under the international bus and destroying the America we were born in or moved to.

How dare Senator Obama or the world community to judge our consumption. The United States is a sovereign nation which feeds most of the world, yet we are accused of using more than our "fair" share of our commodities? When a disaster occurs overseas, who is the first country to respond? Who sends the most goods and manpower? It's sure not China, Russia or Sudan. It's the United States of America. What does Senator Obama want from this country for us to take care of the entire world, to support them for the rest of their lives, so they may have luxuries equivalent to those found in America?

This new world order that Senator Obama wants to create is far more exaggerated than even President Clinton's concept of a new wold order. All this hype about world approval is an attempt to destroy our Constitution and fall under the banner of a one nation concept, a United Nations concept. Many of the super liberal aspects of our civilisation has fought for that take over for years, and now they appear to have a strong candidate and mouthpiece for the eventual slight of hand maneuver to create that one world government. Over two hundred years of trying to perfect this Republic and a socialist is set to destroy our great country.

Ask permission from the world bodies on what we can and cannot consume? Are you kidding me? If Senator Obama wants everything equal across the board, why isn't he attacking the civil rights abuses of most the countries in this world. Why isn't he concerned with all the military governments and the socialist governments waiting to pounce upon America? God forbid. The only thing he can concern himself with is our necessity to as the worlds permission. Maybe he should run for the president of the UN and leave America to the Americans to run.

Friday, May 16, 2008

DAV Fights Washington

It's that time of the year again, with the President issuing his financial goals and Congress issuing their increases in his budget. So the fight starts. As usual, it is the Veteran who takes the first financial hit. I find if very difficult to swallow the voices of the President and that of Congress, both praising the spirit and bravery of our soldiers and sailors. They spend every camera minute declaring the need to help our veterans, for all they have given America. This year is no different than any other year.

President Bush has vowed to veto appropriation bills exceeding his spending limits. This years Department of Veterans Affairs is $93.7 BILLION, $44 BILLION for health care and discretionary spending, the remainder is for mandatory spending. Congress, on the other hand, plans on increasing discretionary spending to $48.2 BILLION, which exceeds the Presidents proposal by $3.5 BILLION. The administration is also proposing an increase in fees charged veterans seeking medical attention. The President would like to see an income-based annual enrollment fee which would range from $250.00 to $750.00 and would increase pharmacy co-payment fees from $8 to $15.00. Another shocker from the administration is the possibility of restricting the educational benefits to those servicemen and women who re-enlist.

According to DAV National Adjutant Arthur H. Wilson, "We've set the wheels in motion to improve and enhance heal care for disabled veterans of the current wars and those from previous eras as well." Included in the DAV's proposed legislation are means to ensure treatment for psychological wounds and PTSD; proper screening for veterans who may have had traumatic brain injury; support for caregivers; reform the federal budget process in order to ensure sufficient and timely funding. In addition to the DAV's struggle to ensure care for veterans, they are pressing our representatives in Congress to sign onto "The Stand Up for Veterans" initiative. As the congressmen and women sign onto this new initiative, the DAV will post their support on their website www.dav.org . You can watch and verify that your congressmen/women support all the initiatives pressed by the Disabled American Veteran. Call your congressman/woman and request their support for the Veterans benefits. Seek support for H.R. 4107 and S. 2799.

It is reprehensible for our leaders to continually take from the veteran. This disgraceful attitude has permeated our government ever since our Revolution. Our very first congress lied to our forefathers while relying on their blood to give this great nation birth. Every President and Congress since those disgraceful days of our beginning, has succumbed to the same disgusting premises, the veteran cannot fight back, they have sworn to "protect and defend".
Here are the bravest of our society, those who knowingly provide for their country, rather than sit an home complaining or protesting, they seek out the dangers that threaten our country. When you look at the perks that congress gets, is becomes all to clear. When a congressman only has to serve one term and get a pension plus benefits, including health, office, stamps, etc., who can afford to take care of the only true American, the Veteran.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Today, while talking with the Jewish government, President Bush made references to historical concepts. President Bush talked about the historical events surrounding the placation of Adolf Hitler by Neville Chamberland and the signing of the Munich Agreement in 1938. This one event cost millions of lives throughout the world in an attempt to keep out of any conflict.

Appeasement has never worked. In our own history we can go back to the American Indians, who tried to appease the new invaders. Notice how that worked out? Then President Truman appeased the Russians right after the conflict with Germany, against the advice of General Patton. Look how that little fiasco turned out? How many millions of people killed? No, appeasement does not work. You cannot convince someone who is bent on a violent course of action to have a change of heart, it doesn't work.

It appears that the Democratic Party and Senator Obama have taken President Bush's statements personal. Why I wonder. Wasn't it Senator Obama who contends that he plans on meeting with all our fanatics in the world? Isn't it Senator Obama who said, he plans on working on a solution to their grievances against America?

Now lets take a look at who Senator Obama wants to talk to. Kim Jong-il, Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Castro, etc. We have one who has nuclear bombs and spends his time blackmailing the world for food and money. Then we have one bent on destroying Isreal, no matter what the cost, it is a religious dictate and then one who is arming his country against our supposed attack and warning of cutting off our oil supply. Two, Chavez and Kim il are both driven by their Socialist agenda and thirst for dictorial power, while Ahmadinejad is driven by Islam and the mullah's.

My question is this, what does Senator Obama intend to do to placate these rouge regimes? Are we going to continue to supply money and food to countries who's only desire is to see our nation obliterated? Are we going to placate them until Israel is destroyed? Maybe until America is attacked again with better armament?

By his statements alone, Senator Obama has shown his lack of knowledge or foreign affairs and a misguided principle that you can negotiate with those that want to see you dead. America is naive in foreign intelligence anyway. We are hundreds of years behind our counterparts. We still believe a mans word is his bond, but in the world of intelligence, this is not the case. Unfortunately, most of the world does not adhere to those principles. Most countries lie right up front and expect you to know it's a lie. But we want to answerer this situation with Senator Obama singing camp songs and smoking a pipe.
Today is the first day of this ongoing discussion of of OUR, the peoples, rights under the Constitution and the continuous bombardment of the the political leftist to destroy our hard won freedom. I will be addressing multiple issues, including the political landscape of today vs. the politician of yesteryear; the difference in the political parties; what issues are effecting our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

I do not adhere to revisionist history or blame America first. Every country and every civilization has done it's fair share of atrocities and wrongs and to blame one nation for the ills of an entire world is irrational and unjust. My belief in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution are the key issues of this discussion. Our Constitution is the founding blocks of our great society, and our history is evidence of that success in creating a working Republic.

Although our forefathers have fought and created a form of government never before attempted, we are at the pinnacle of it's demise. History has shown that most dynasties last only about two hundred years before they are destroyed from within. It is that element in our world I intend to address, before we join our historical counterparts.

I hope you come back and join in on the conversation.