Friday, July 25, 2008

No Need to Vote in America

It appears that Barack Obama has proclaimed himself the President of the United States. Nope, we don't need to waste our time at the voting machines in November, it is already settled. Or at least that's what it appears.
Barack Obama decided to give himself foreign relations credentials, finally. The problem with his adventure is that he started making speeches in those countries, as if he had the authority to do so. Obama started laying out his plan for Europe while he is serving his "eight to ten years" as president. And yet, he isn't the official Democratic candidate yet. They haven't had their convention, so officially Obama is still their presumptive candidate.
In no other election has this elitist, defiant attitude ever surfaced in a candidate before. Throughout our history, no candidate ever went overseas to lay out their plan or to seek the roaring crowds of foreign nationals. John McCain, who is lacking in many areas for his liberal views, at least knows you do not make policy statements in a foreign country until you have the authority to do so.
As we have seen, our main stream media has remained neutral throughout this affair with Barack Obama. Yep, no obvious prejudices or self drawn conclusions. But may I ask, when has any of the news anchors taken a trip with McCain? The Republican candidate can't even get more than four reporters for important statements, but Obama can barely move because of the intense competition of the reporters trying to get the best angle or statement. Roughly two thousand asked for seats on the jet flying Obama around the world and forty were accepted. Even Jeff Greenfield of CBS news stated, "This saturation of coverage has already led the conservative blogosphere to offer blistering critiques of a liberal media slavishly treating Obama as a Pop Star. But... the sheer presence of media in no way guarantees favorable coverage." What does this tell you? Even Charles Krauthammer had this to say about the media love affair with Obama, "I think that the coverage is getting beyon presidential. It's papal. I mean, a president never has all three anchors on the way with him... If you needed any evidence of how much in the tank the mainstream media are, this is it." Obama dosen't need to spend the enormous amounts of campaign funds because the press is advertising for him, free of charge. But they want the "fairness doctrine" re-instated.
Yes, the press is in love with Obama and nothing he or his wife can say will diminish their fever for his ascension to the thrown. It doesn't matter if he hasn't any idea how long a president serves "eight to ten years" or "let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's." or the fact that he has visited 57 states. "The Obama's seems like a finger-wagging principal and teacher tag team, with Michelle Obama promising that her husband will make us work harder when he becomes president." Sounds like we are going to be punished the moment Barack becomes president. But if you look at his economic plan, I guess she is right. We will have to work harder and longer to pay for the extra taxes.
I will end this article with a statement from our friend and staunch supporter of the Constitution of the United States, Mr. Rush Limbaugh, "The idea that four months before a presidential election a candidate can run through these countries, meet some world leaders, and claim experience in these matters may impress the liberal media, but to me, it exposes just how unprepared for the presidency this guy is... I have never seen a presidential candidate with less to offer this nation - yet with more arrogance and self-delusion - than Barack Obama."

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