Thursday, June 12, 2008

Supreme Court and Guantanamo Bay

Today, the liberal United States Supreme Court has gone against all our laws and history to afford the detainees at Guantanamo, citizen legal rights. I cannot believe the socialist on the bench, namely: Kennedy, Breyer, Ginsburg (the ACLU lawyer), Souter and Stevens, actually gave American Rights to foreign combatants.

May I ask what happened during World War 2? Did America give citizen rights to the POW's? We didn't even afford these rights to our Japanese citizens, yet this group of anti-American judges have placed this great right upon those bent upon destroying our great country.

I find it very funny, that so many Americans have been complaining about the Guantanamo facility. The loony left has been demanding rights for the detainees. They have been quoting part of the Geneva Convention, but not all of it. The Geneva Convention states that the only "legal" combatant is those individuals in "uniform". Any person in civilian clothes is a "SPY" and can be executed without trial. No where does the Geneva Convention forbid torture to spies and civilian combatants, only to soldiers.

The al-Quida and the Taliban are both terrorist groups, neither are covered under the Geneva Convention. Why then do our loony lefties and the socialist in our Supreme Court demand on granting these murders full legal protection? Is there something more sinister behind their demands? I know the ACLU has an agenda to destroy this country, it is in their purpose statement from the founder. I know that socialism has permeated our education system and Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg worked for the ACLU and has favored every case brought before the court by the ACLU since she was made a Supreme Court Justice.

So now we have the loony left and the socialist judges worried about the Geneva Convention, but not once have I heard them condemn the actions of the terrorist. They can kill women and children, cut the heads off anyone they don't like, torture and kill our soldiers, but WE have to worry about the Geneva Convention. They play dead and then shoot to kill our soldiers, but any soldier who shoots a terrorist who is bleeding and the left expects OUR men be punished. Why do the enemy have more rights than our own men and women. Why does the Democratic party pander to the loony left and go against our soldiers? Why is there a massive pacification propaganda machine trying to prove the peacefulness of Islam and the lambasting of Christians?

This is the one example of why we cannot allow a liberal in the White House, we will end up with more Ginsburg's, Stevens, Souter's, Kennedy's and the likes of Breyer. It is a shameful day in American history and another black eye to the Supreme Court.