Monday, May 19, 2008

Climate change will cost you money

Climate Warming or is it Change now? The snake oil salesmen of our country and government have managed to sell Climate Change as a disease, something we can cure because we did it in the first place. The same crowd that always blam's America for every ill this world has. Not to get too far off track, these are the same scientist that proclaimed "Global Cooling" in the 1970's. According to their guess, we were supposed to go into an ice age, whereby killing off our food supply within twenty years. Funny thing is, we still have food, warm climate in zones and cool climate in their zones. Nothing changed, but does anyone remember these charlatans of yesteryear? Apparently not. Because the same story is being told again and again, and this time by a former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore (I invented the Internet). The difference is, we have had thirty years to dumb down our citizens through our socialist agenda schools. Our dope smoking draft dodgers of the sixties, who became teachers to keep from going into the service, are in charge of teaching our children morals, logic's and the three "R"s. Boy are we in trouble. They were in love with Marxism back then and have been indoctrinating our children since then.

Well, now that the entire world has lost their brains and have bought into the concept that man has caused all our global weather, it's time for man to fix it. But wait, how do you fix Mother Nature? If you listen to Al Gore and the left wing loonies, it's to offset your carbon footprint by investing in Al Gore's company. Why do I say it's Al Gore's company? Because he has the majority of stock and will ultimately receive a sizable amount of money if he can get his way, by creating a new "Law" which will force you and me to finance him and make him a super billionaire.

How is he going to manage that you may ask, but spend time looking to me, just look at the Climate Security Act introduced by Liberman-Warner (S.2191) which will cap emissions of carbon dioxide and gasses suspected of attributing to global warming. More than 80% of emissions reduction would have to come from the energy section and to reduce our emission by this amount by 2020 will be devastating to our economy and the way we live. According to the Milwaukee Business Journal, these demands will ultimately increase the cost of energy, especially in natural gas prices.

According to Libermann and Warner, along with the usual brain numb circle of idiots, believe these costs will only amount to about twenty five cents per person. But according to John Engler, president and CEO of National Association of Manufacturers, it "runs the risk of doing more economic harm than environmental good,". Others have suggested that the actual amount this bill will cost America, will be in the billions of dollars. The only way to avoid this catastrophic collision between reality and government is to utilize technology that does not exist yet.

The bill would allow companies who do not use their carbon credits (notice the term "carbon credits"?) and could sell them to other companies who's carbon footprint is too large. This cap and trade system would cause major investments in energy technologies, which as of now seems to be dominated by who else but Al Gore. In effect, this legal move would create the next generation of oil Barron's in this country. This bill had to be written with the help of Al Gore because so much of it's wording is duplicated in this advertisement for his movie.

Now the big question , is Al Gore guilty of creating fraud against the American people with the help of his cronies in Washington and Hollywood? Too many scientist disagree with Al Gore and company. Too much evidence exists that suggest this is a natural occurrence and he is aware of it. Yet, Al Gore and the left loonies will not allow an open debate between their so called scientist and those that insist that this is a natural occurrence of our world. If Al Gore is profiting from deliberately misleading the public, and gaining government assistance, is he guilty? If this bill passes, your pocket book will convict him, but then it will be too late.

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